Christian Gospel Internet Radio
Advertise Your Business with affordable Internet Online Advertising, Banner Advertising, Link Promotions, Radio Airing Program Sponsorships, Internet Marketing and Radio Promotion.
Place your button or banner and other advertising to any of the following pages. The Whitedove Radio Homepage, Artists Links, Resources Page, Shopping Whitedove Radio’s Friends Page, and Reciprocal Links Page. For “On the air exposure” Sponsor Airing Programs for maximum impact. All of these pages receive heavy traffic views.
We also create 20, 15 and 10 second Radio Announcements. A read spot with music intro is great exposure or submit our own. Submit your request and information to Crystal Clear. Include in your e-mail, your contact telephone information, website and what you are interested in doing for exposure through Whitedove Radio’s Airtime or Internet Site. You will be contacted when Whitedove Radio has reviewed your submission information.
Thank you and May God Bless You.
If you are interested in placing your products on the Shopping Link Page contact Crystal.
Program Sponsorships Maximum Exposure
All 20 Second Voice Spots. Intro and Exit Mentions!
“Preacher Power Hour” Airs Tuesday 4:00 p.m. and Sunday Morning 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. CST. RESERVED
Looking for a Pastor or Evangelist that would like air time on Whitedove Radio
Bro. James Knox “Preaching Of The Cross” Airs Monday through Friday 5:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. CST. RESERVED
Opening For A Special Ministry Products Contact Crystal Clear 3 times daily…cost only $120.00 for one month. Airs CST. Links also include your site on several pages of Whitedove Radio.
Banner Advertising
- 125 x 125 Button $ 45.00 a month (Front Page)
- 125 x 125 Button $ 25.00 a month (Other Pages)
*We cannot do percentage based promotions.