Research has proven over and over again the benefits that children can experience by spending more of their playtime outdoors. As these lists of benefits continue to grow, more parents are starting to realise the importance associated with outdoor environments, and how this time outdoors is so beneficial for young children. Whether your kids are spending time outdoors when at home or when they attend our preparatory independent school, it forms an essential part of the way they learn and their education. It also stimulates their mental and emotional growth. This is why you should set time aside, or request that your nanny does, to allow your children to explore and to really enjoy the outdoors. Here you can read more about Payroll for Nannies if this is something you're interested in as a way to free up more time for your children to play outdoors. Below are some of the top-rated benefits that kids are able to experience when they are allowed to play outside. 1. Encourages Curiosity and Creativity Children are intrigued and interested in even the smallest things, and they can gain inspiration from just about anywhere. When they are outside it encourages creativity, whether this involves building or playing in a sandpit over the summer months, or throwing a ball or leaves around in the months of autumn. There are so many things that can spur a creative mind. In addition, the open spaces allow children the freedom to explore using their minds, following where their curiosity might take them. 2. Improves Their Social Skills Social skills are one of the most important elements when it comes to healthy child development, especially their personalities. The ability to socialise in environments other than home or school will assist them in learning about different types of challenges and situations. For instance, learning that they have to take turns to use a swing or a slide, to look after each other and to play safely will assist with the development of social skills when away from adult supervision. An opportunity to meet other children at local parks or the beach offers kids a chance to explore experiences that are new to them and make a few friends. 3. Allows for a New Perspective Expansive outdoor spaces encourage children to grow with confidence and become less fearful. The activities that involve observing seasonal changes and exploring wide open spaces, help children to start understanding the world around them. Observing wildlife in its natural habitat also teaches understanding of the natural world and most importantly empathy. 4. Increases Muscle Strength Playing outdoors is not just great for cognitive development but can also be beneficial for muscle development. Time spent running around, climbing up frames and obstacles or challenging themselves on an obstacle course all contribute towards increasing muscle strength. This will also improve the child’s ability to adapt easier to differing situations along with increasing their overall fitness levels. It is recommended that both teachers and parents should be encouraging kids to play more outdoors, especially with activities and games. In this way, risks associated with obesity are also lowered. A simple activity such as a 30-minute walk out in nature can assist with improving their stamina, muscle strength and their intake of fresh air. 5. Refines Motor Skills Outdoor play gives kids various objects to explore and play with, which goes a long way towards assisting them with developing gross and fine motor skills. From climbing trees to building castles in a sandpit, all these activities help with developing motor skills. In the first 5 years of a child’s life, it is very important that they are offered with ample opportunities to participate in experiences and experiment with different objects in order for their skills to develop. 6. Improves Their Level of Happiness It has been scientifically proven that spending time outdoors helps to improve the way we feel. Good quality air and Vitamin D from the warm sunshine along with beautiful surroundings helps to stimulate happy hormones inside the brain which naturally improves the way we feel and our moods. Moreover, children are able to release any frustrations or built-up energy in a constructive manner by playing freely and running. Outdoor play can also contribute to better sleep patterns, which helps to improve their happiness levels.